Spring is finally here! How have your New Year’s resolutions been going? Did they fall through the cracks or are you still on track? If you are struggling, a Wellness Coach can help you succeed, that is what we do!
According to a WebMD article – Wellness Coaching: The Latest Trend in Fitness: Wellness Coaching is relatively new, although the idea is becoming increasingly popular with the public, it’s only beginning to catch on with doctors. One doctor who has embraced the idea is Michael Lano, MD. Director of the Ridgeview Clinics, a group of primary care facilities in suburban Minneapolis, Lano refers several patients a month.
“I’m a family physician and I always tell my patients that it’s my job to help them live a long, healthy life,” he says. “But 98% is their part, and that’s what the life [wellness] coach helps with — everything from diet and exercise to emotional well-being. It’s the same thing that we [doctors] deal with, but she deals with it from a lifestyle perspective.”
Lano says he sees significant improvements in patients. Most begin exercising and eating better. Many make other important changes as well, which tend to have a boomerang effect on their overall outlook and lifestyle.
However, not everyone is a good candidate for wellness coaching, says Lano. Some may be too old or sick to change. Others may simply be unmotivated. The ideal patient is someone who may not be doing anything bad, but they’re not doing the good things, either, he says. “They’re not eating well. They’re not exercising. They’re stressed. They’re stuck. They’re not making progress.”
Call Creative Wellness Solutions if you need a little help to make progress and reach those goals that have been eluding you.