Are you still wondering if massage is right for you? Do you question if you really need it or not when you could be spending that money on something else? It can be difficult to make time for massage, I get it, I feel the same way and I’m a massage provider myself. But I never regret it, I feel so much better, it’s definitely time and money well spent. We need to remember how important it is to look after ourselves. Massage is not just a luxury but should be a part of your wellness plan just like proper nutrition and exercise.
A head and face massage is especially pleasurable and can help alleviate tension headaches and migraines. It improves lymphatic drainage which helps in the removal of waste products and toxins. Head and face massage has also been known to help ear aches, ringing in the ears, and sinus congestion. It also improves blood circulation which increases the amount of oxygen flowing to your brain which can help with memory and clearer thinking. A head and face massage is very relaxing and paired with the upper body massage is an experience everyone deserves for their mental and physical well-being.