First-time Massage – Jul 2017

Individuals having a first-time massage can have a variety of reactions after their initial session, and even after several subsequent massages. For some, they feel wonderful and everything is fine. For others, it’s not unusual to feel a bit headachy, nauseous and acutely sore.

The reasons for these reactions are numerous. For some individuals, they are dehydrated and the massage further takes moisture out of their system (due to the increase in circulation and the transfer of heat across the skin). People who are already dehydrated and don’t drink enough water are the ones most likely to feel a slight headache. Drinking water after the massage can be helpful.

Soreness can be a normal response. We describe that as a “healing transition” where the individual is starting to change what’s going on inside their body. For most, they have maintained the same posture for many years and the massage is helping to address long-term, chronic muscle tension patterns.

It can take 4 to 5 weekly fifteen minute sessions before an individual’s body will start developing its own “massage memory”. This is the point when the individual will start to experience lasting, positive physical changes from their sessions.

So be patient and then enjoy the many benefits from the chair massages!

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