Hand Massage – May 2018

The back massage is customarily the first thing that comes to mind when you think of getting a massage. Our backs get strained and sore from all the things we do in our lives so it usually needs the most attention when it comes to pain relief. One thing we don’t think of as often is how important and benefical massage is for our hands.

We have 27 bones in each hand that are connected by joints and ligaments. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in the hands are the most common forms of arthritis. Regular hand massage can reduce the pain and improve grip strength. We know that one of the biggest benefits of massage is that it improves circulation and this is also especially important for our busy hands. It loosens tight muscles and helps to improve finger flexibility. Massage helps to remove toxins and harmful metabolic byproducts. There are also numerous acupressure and reflexology points on our hands that are associated with our organs and many parts of our body.

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