Men’s Health Week – Jun 2019

June 10 – 16, 2019 is Men’s Health Week which honours the importance of men’s health and wellness. According to the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation: Canadians believe they’re a pretty healthy nation. But weirdly, Canadian guys aren’t that healthy. It’s not because of genetics; it’s a result of lifestyle.

In 2014, when the Canadian Men’s Health Foundation launched nationally in Canada we knew the statistics about the state of men’s health in Canada, and the picture those statistics painted was not too flattering for Canadian men.

Here’s a snapshot of some statistics (Source available from Canadian Men’s Health Foundation upon request):

  • 54% of Canadian men are unhealthy sleepers
  • 59% of Canadian men don’t exercise enough
  • 62% of Canadian men are unhealthy eaters
  • 39% of Canadian men have unhealthy alcohol consumption
  • 20% of Canadian men still smoke
  • 72% of Canadian men are borderline unhealthy and/or unhealthy
  • 25% of Canadian men are considered healthy/very healthy.
  • 70% of chronic diseases and conditions may be prevented by adopting healthy lifestyle habits

From these statistics we realized that the health of men on a personal, family and workplace level required a concerted effort of not one organization, but many pieces – from individuals, to other healthcare organizations, to private industry and government at all levels – to recognize the state of men’s health and its impact on Canadian society.

Creative Wellness Solutions offers Wellness Coaching. Wellness Coaches work with clients on a variety of lifestyle concerns with an emphasis on overall health and well-being. We can help you develop and implement a lifestyle strategy that will empower you to achieve balance in all areas of your life whether it’s socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically or mentally.

Men have the tendency to hang on to stress and worries where women are more likely to share them, this can result in poor sleep and anxiety. Chair massage can cut your body’s level of stress hormones in half and is a wonderful way to improve sleep as it increases our serotonin levels.

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