Massage ? The Place You Love – Jul 2022

Many people who have never had a massage wonder what makes getting a massage so great. One of the biggest things is how it makes you feel so calm and relaxed. It’s like going to that special place you love. That may be by the water; be it an ocean, lake, river or stream. Or maybe it’s out enjoying green space. This could be out camping, playing a round of golf, going for a walk or hike or maybe even just enjoying your own backyard or garden.

Being out in nature and getting fresh air has an amazing effect on our minds and bodies. It allows us to relax and not think about the things that are causing us stress. Fishermen are a good example. They get all their gear and head out to the water, they may or may not catch any fish but it doesn’t matter, tomorrow they’ll do it all again.

When you get a massage it’s like going to that special place you love. You can totally let go of physical tension and mental stress. Let your body relax, let your mind drift away and let your massage therapist do the work. It’s best to try to prolong that calmness for as long as you can. Try not to do anything strenuous after your massage. Just relax. Read a book, have a nap, watch television. Just try to do anything that relaxes you both mentally and physically. Massage is a great boost to your mental health and wellness.

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