“Don’t regret growing older. It’s a privilege denied to many.” But as we grow older we find it can bring many health challenges. I do see more and more people being more aware and health conscious and doing things to try to stay healthy. There are the obvious things we hear about all the time; exercise regularly, eat healthy food, maintain a healthy weight, don’t smoke, don’t drink excessively, etc. Yet there is another simple thing that has enormous health benefits that so many people continue to ignore, especially seniors. Massage. It’s easy, inexpensive and convenient, yet has so many positive effects, especially for seniors. Massage dates back thousands of years and is used to help the body heal. Massage increases your body’s circulation which helps get rid of toxins which, simply put, is releasing pockets of waste build-up in the cells. Massage has also been known to help reduce inflammation and increase mobility which will help people with arthritis, which is the number one condition that people 65 or older contend with.
Stats Canada has found that cancer is the leading killer in adults aged 40 and up. According to the Canadian Cancer Society, “there is evidence that massage therapy helps people with cancer physically and emotionally, and it can improve their quality of life. People often use massage therapy to help reduce muscle soreness and stiffness. It can also help reduce pain (such as headaches and low back pain), anxiety and stress. It improves circulation and promotes relaxation and a sense of well-being. Studies have shown that massage therapy can help reduce stress, anxiety, pain, fatigue and depression. It can also help with problems sleeping (insomnia), improve sleep quality and reduce nausea.”