The Importance of Touch – Nov 18

Mother Teresa said that there is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. There have been numerous studies done over the years that prove that the value and importance of touch is incredibly strong and is actually a critical element to our physical and mental health. The studies show how Read More …

Neck Pain – Sep 2018

It’s amazing how many people I talk to suffer from neck pain. And strangely, statistics show about 60% more women are likely to develop neck pain than men. According to an article from the Mayo Clinic, most neck pain is associated with poor posture combined with age-related wear and tear. To help prevent neck pain, Read More …

Massage & Chiropractic Care – Aug 2018

Like massage, chiropractic adjustments can help relieve neck and back pain, headaches, and can improve mobility and range of motion. According to the Canadian Chiropractic Association, approximately 4.5 million Canadians visit a chiropractor each year. Dr. Rick Hawthorne, who’s office is on Government Street in Penticton and has been practicing for 27 years, has explained Read More …

Pets Improve Our Lives – Jul 2018

I find it interesting speaking with some of the seniors in our community. Many talk about how the ‘golden years’ often turn out not being so ‘golden’ after all, quite often due to declining health and mobility. As someone in their 50’s, I am starting to look farther ahead to my own future and am Read More …