Arthritis – Jan 2018

Research has shown that massage can help in the body’s production of certain hormones that can improve sleep, reduce stress and anxiety, lower blood pressure and help with the management of many diseases. Arthritis is a well-known and common disease that affects people of all ages. But is massage safe and effective for people with Read More …

Seasonal Stress – Dec 2017

It’s December again already! My how time flies! I know many people find this time of year very stressful and commercialized. I hope everyone can make the season what they want it to be and take the time to enjoy it. Try a walk through your neighbourhood on a beautiful, fresh evening and enjoy a Read More …

Chair or Table Massage – Nov 2017

When most people think of getting a massage they usually think about lying on a massage table, wearing nothing but a towel, and having their full body worked on by a professional massage therapist. You either love it or don’t even want to try it. Personally, I’m not the massage table type. Yet as a Read More …

Mental Health – Oct 2017

Mental Illness Awareness Week is upon us, October 1st – 7th, and World Mental Health Day is on Tuesday, October 10th. Why has our mental health become so important? We hear about it on television and there are numerous events going on throughout the year. We are becoming increasingly aware of the high number of Read More …

Massage for Seniors – Sep 2017

As a Seniors Wellness Practitioner my training focused on the needs of seniors and the many issues specific to people as they get older. There is no magic birthday number when physical issues all of a sudden start happening, we notice them creeping up on us a little at a time. Probably the most important Read More …