Regular, Weekly,15 minute Massage – Mar 2017

Creative Wellness Solutions has comprehensive training that ensures a safe, appropriate and customized massage for each client. A regular, weekly,15 minute massage has greater benefits than one, hour long massage, once a month. Massage helps boost your immune system and will help speed recovery time of colds and flus. Massage greatly reduces the effects of Read More …

Boost your Immune System – Jan 2017

Creative Wellness Solutions would like to wish everyone the happiest and healthiest New Year! Speaking of health, this is the time of year when more people are getting colds and flus. A great way to boost your immune system naturally is to get regular chair massages. The shorter time and lower cost of chair massage, Read More …

Massage & Stress – Nov 2016

Stress… I mention it often because it has so many adverse affects on our lives, both physically and mentally. Everyone handles stress differently and it also affects everyone differently. WebMD lists the following symptoms of stress: Emotional symptoms of stress include: Becoming easily agitated, frustrated, and moody Feeling overwhelmed, like you are losing control or Read More …