October 10th World Mental Health Day – Oct 2016

Fitting in regular massage therapy has so many physical benefits like increasing circulation and flexibility, enhancing immunity, providing greater energy, but it is also very good for your mental health. October 10th is World Mental Health Day. The Mental Health Centre reports:  A meta-analysis of 17 clinical studies found a significant reduction in depressive symptoms Read More …

Zucchini – Sep 2016

With the Labour Day weekend comes what we’ve come to think of as the end of summer. Most of the tourists have gone back home and the children are back in school. Our gardens are exploding with wonderful vegetables and many are busy canning and preserving. Many gardeners find their gardens bursting with zucchini, which Read More …

Massage Is Good – Jul 2016

Getting a massage can do you a world of good. And getting a massage frequently can do even more. This is the beauty of bodywork. Taking part in this form of regularly scheduled self-care can play a huge part in how healthy you’ll be and how youthful you’ll remain with each passing year. Budgeting time Read More …

Stress – Jun 2016

June… what a gorgeous month! Yards and gardens are filling in nicely and everything is looking fresh and alive. Finally, summer is upon us! If your body has been suffering from all the yard work and spring cleaning, a massage can definitely help! Many people find working in the garden very stress-relieving which is great Read More …