Importance of Blood – Jun 2022

The average person’s body contains about five litres of blood, that’s about 10.5 units. Your body has more than 60,000 miles of blood vessels that circulate that blood every day. This blood circulation keeps organs, muscles and tissues healthy and working to keep you alive and also helps your body get rid of waste products. Read More …

Multiple Sclerosis – May 2022

In my monthly articles I try to bring attention to how massage can help people in many different areas. Massage can be very beneficial to people with many different diseases and conditions. This month I’d like to talk about how massage can help people with Multiple Sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease affecting Read More …

7 yrs of Massage – Apr 2022

Seven years ago I started on this journey of providing a comfortable massage to people in our community. It has been wonderful meeting so many people and being able to help them feel better using a natural technique as well as providing access to an amazing all-natural CBD cream that relieves so many ailments without Read More …

Spring, National Weed Appreciation Day – Mar 2022

I think most of us are very happy to see spring arrive once again. The rebirth and activity of everything around us is invigorating. Opening the windows and allowing the spring freshness to fill our homes, and our hearts is a wonderful feeling. It’s amazing how being outdoors can greatly help our minds and bodies. Read More …