Heart Month – Feb 2022

February is Heart Month, a time to bring attention to the importance of cardiovascular health, and what we can do to reduce our risk of cardiovascular disease. Heart disease affects approximately 2.4 million Canadian adults according to 2012/2013 data, and is the second leading cause of death in Canada. In 2016, 12% more women than Read More …

Nat’l Keto Day – Jan 2022

National Keto Day is January 5th. I’m sure many people have heard of the Keto diet and may have even tried it. The keto diet is not just a fad diet it is a way to improve your overall health by reducing carbs, sugars, and eliminating processed foods. But will you lose weight? Absolutely! Will Read More …

Is Pain after Massage Normal? – Dec 2021

As a massage provider I love hearing clients tell me that the pain they were suffering from before our appointment is now gone. It’s very rewarding to me to be able to provide that service to people who have been suffering from neck, shoulder or back muscle pain. Severe and prolonged neck pain can be Read More …

Muscle Knots – Oct 2021

Many people experience what we call ‘knots’ in our back, shoulder or neck muscles. These aren’t really knots but are stiff bands of muscle that have a hard knob in the centre. This knob is known as a trigger point. These knots, knobs, or trigger points, are quite painful to the touch and cause pain Read More …