Maintain Your Health with Massage – Sep 2021

Many people nowadays are focusing on maintaining their health rather than just getting treatment for an illness or disease. A great way to maintain your health is to reduce stress and inflammation and a great way to do this is by getting regular massages. Massage has been proven to reduce stress by the increased amount Read More …

Nat’l Dog Day – Aug 2021

National Dog Day is on August 26th, celebrate your dog! Founded in 2004 by Animal Welfare Advocate and Pet Lifestyle Expert, Colleen Paige, National Dog Day celebrates all breeds, mixed and pure and serves to help galvanize the public to recognize the number of dogs that need to be rescued each year, either from public Read More …

Gorgeous Grandma Day – Jul 2021

National Gorgeous Grandma Day is celebrated annually on July 23. As the name of the holiday suggests, our dearest, cuddliest grandmothers are celebrated. Grandmothers endlessly love and treasure their families, and typically have an infectious love for life. They have experienced a lot and have the best words of wisdom for us. With all the Read More …

Natural Remedies – Jun 2021

I must say, I love the name of my business! Creative Wellness Solutions! It gives me the opportunity to expand, discover and dive into the many, many things that can bring wellness into our lives. Something I have been learning more about are natural remedies. Using the plants, many of which grow wild all around Read More …

Massage for Neck Pain – May 2021

Most people will experience neck pain at some point in their lives. It can become quite severe and can be caused by work, stress, or repetitive movement. Spring is here and it’s time to work in the yard and garden, this can cause muscles in the neck, shoulders and back to get very sore as Read More …