Fibromyalgia is a very difficult disorder to understand and live with. A straightforward and uncomplicated way to explain fibromyalgia is that it’s a rheumatic disorder that causes muscle tenderness, pain and fatigue. I’m sure anyone who suffers with fibromyaliga would say that’s putting it mildly!
According to WebMD, Fibromyalgia-related pain is described as pain that causes you to ache all over. You may have painful “tender points,” places on your body that hurt no matter what medication you take. Your muscles may feel like they have been overworked or pulled even though you haven’t exercised. Sometimes, your muscles will twitch. Other times they will burn or ache with deep stabbing pain. Some patients with fibromyalgia have pain and achiness around the joints in their neck, shoulders, back, and hips. This kind of pain makes it difficult to sleep or exercise.
Fibromyalgia causes chronic pain, it can feel like having a migraine all over your body. There can also be an increased sensitivity to pain, extreme tiredness, muscle stiffness, difficulty sleeping, problems with mental processes (known as “fibro-fog”), headaches, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). There is no cure for this painful syndrome but there are many treatments to help make the condition easier to live with. These can include pain medication, antidepressants, counselling, exercise and relaxation techniques. Exercise is very beneficial as recent scientific studies have shown that, for most patients, range of motion, strengthening, and aerobic conditioning exercises are safe and necessary. Even daily walks, stretching, swimming, yoga, or any low-impact exercise can all help keep you fit and may help reduce your pain. Massage can also significantly help. It increases relaxation, improving sleep, thereby allowing the body the time for the restorative process to occur. Increased circulation will increase the flow of nutrients and eliminate waste products in the muscles. Both exercise and massage can increase the levels of natural endorphins which help to reduce anxiety, stress, and depression and increase production of the body’s natural painkillers. Regular massage and exercise will compound the therapeutic benefits and the healthier you will feel.