Heart disease is a very common problem nowadays and is affecting younger people more and more. In an article on the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine website, Alex A. Kecskes writes the following: Regardless of age, massage therapy performed by a skilled and qualified therapist can reduce stress, cause relaxation and enhance feelings of well being. A good massage can stimulate the nerve endings in skin, release endorphins (the feel good hormones) and inhibit the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline. Blood will circulate more efficiently, blood pressure will drop and heart rates will slow down.
A regular massage regimen can reduce the risks associated with stress, such as cardiac arrhythmias (the heart pumps less effectively, so less blood reaches the brain and other vital organs). A number of long-term studies have shown that a consistent massage program can decrease diastolic and systolic blood pressure. And maintaining a healthy blood pressure can contribute to lowering the odds of one having a heart attack. Massage therapy releases contracted muscles and pushes venous blood towards the heart, easing the strain on the heart. In this way, massage offers a drug-free, non-invasive and humanistic approach for allowing the body to naturally heal itself.