Mental Health – Oct 2017

Mental Illness Awareness Week is upon us, October 1st – 7th, and World Mental Health Day is on Tuesday, October 10th. Why has our mental health become so important? We hear about it on television and there are numerous events going on throughout the year. We are becoming increasingly aware of the high number of people who are affected by mental illness and how important it is to remove the stigma associated with it. Mental illnesses are common and widespread. Statistics show that one in every five Canadians will have a mental health problem at some point in their lives. Not everyone will experience a mental illness, but most everyone will struggle or have a challenge with their mental well-being, or mental health, just like we all have challenges with our physical well-being from time to time.

The Canadian Mental Health Association explains it well… “Just as someone who feels unwell may not have a serious illness, people may have poor mental health without a mental illness. We all have days where we feel a bit down, or stressed out, or overwhelmed by something that’s happening in our lives. An important part of good mental health is the ability to look at problems or concerns realistically. Good mental health isn’t about feeling happy and confident 100% of time and ignoring any problems. It’s about living and coping well despite problems.

Just as it’s possible to have poor mental health but no mental illness, it’s entirely possible to have good mental health even with a diagnosis of a mental illness. That’s because mental illnesses (like other health problems) are often episodic, meaning there are times (‘episodes’) of ill health and times of better or good health.”

There are so many reasons to include massage treatments into your healthy living regime. Not only does regular massage benefit you physically but it also aids in your mental well-being. It relieves stress and promotes relaxation of both your body and mind which can lead to a better and deeper sleep. Massage stimulates the release of endorphins, which are compounds known to reduce pain and produce a sense of euphoria. It reduces the levels of stress hormones like cortisol, adrenalin, and norepinephrine – which in some people trigger depression.

Chair massage is easy and convenient as there is no need to remove clothing or climb onto a massage table.

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