I must say, I love the name of my business! Creative Wellness Solutions! It gives me the opportunity to expand, discover and dive into the many, many things that can bring wellness into our lives.
Something I have been learning more about are natural remedies. Using the plants, many of which grow wild all around us, and learning how they can heal us both physically and mentally. Now what does that really mean? Well, there are many weeds, wild plants and flowers that are abundant and readily
available that have incredible healing properties when just using the wild plant. Yarrow can be used topically to stop bleeding and reduce the chance of infection for wounds, cuts, and abrasions. Plaintain leaves can be crushed into a paste and applied to venomous stings and bites with great effect. Those are two plants, or weeds, that we don’t have to look far to find.
I grow and harvest many herbs and plants such as Lavender, Calendula, Comfrey, Plantain, St. John’s wort, Yarrow and Elderberry, to name a few. There are so many things you can do, I have made infused oils, tinctures, syrup, lavender wands and sachets. From the infused oils I have combined them to make a healing salve and from my immune-boosting Elderberry syrup I made delicious gummies.
Another incredible weed that has numerous health benefits is cannabis. There is still a lot of stigma associated with cannabis but the facts are showing enormous health benefits in CBD products that are in no way hallucinogenic. These products have been proven to alleviate pain and reduce swelling in muscles and joints. It has been used successfully for numerous ailments like arthritis, migraines, plantar fasciitis pain, to speed the healing of tattoos, even hot spots on pets. The list goes on and on! I have recently become a distributor for a BC company that produces cannabis-infused creams, lotions and bath soaks called The Grease Cream. I have added a page to my website or you can go directly to the company’s website at www.TheGreaseCream.ca for more information on these all-natural products.