Lyme Disease – Jul 2020

Enjoying the outdoors is great for our physical, as well as mental, health especially during this difficult time due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Ticks cause Lyme Disease and are apparently quite bad this year so we need to be cautious and focus on prevention when we are enjoying the great outdoors. Chronic Lyme disease can Read More …

Cancer and Massage – Jun 2020

I love researching how massage is so beneficial to people’s lives. I have touched on many specific diseases that receiving regular massages helps with, such as arthritis and diabetes. As with many diseases there are many complementary therapies for people with cancer such as massage, acupuncture, naturopathic medicine, to name just a few. The purpose Read More …

Nat’l Chocolate Chip Day – May 2020

According to, May 15th is National Chocolate Chip Day! National Chocolate Chip Day celebrates and recognizes chocolate chips, an ingredient that takes part in many of our favourite desserts! The first Chocolate Chip recipe appeared in the Wakefield’s Tried and True cookbook in 1938. The popularity at the time was enormous. Afterwards, chocolate chips Read More …

Spring – Apr 2020

Spring has got to be the best of the four seasons. Warmer weather and longer days are embraced after the cold, dark winter. With spring comes new growth and hope for the future. People usually feel happier, healthier and more vibrant in the spring. We are in better moods and enjoy being more active. It Read More …

Edema – Mar 2020

“Edema” is the medical term for swelling. Body parts swell from injury or inflammation. It can affect a small area or the entire body. Medications, pregnancy, infections, and many other medical problems can cause edema. Edema happens when your small blood vessels leak fluid into nearby tissues. That extra fluid builds up, which makes the Read More …