Foot Massage – Aug 2023

Most people are far too familiar with sore, aching feet and there’s nothing better than a foot massage to alleviate that pain. It is also a great way to reduce tension and stress and make you feel more relaxed.

As with all types of massage, the legs and feet massage has more health benefits than just soothing those aching feet and relaxing you at the end of the day. Regular massages will improve your circulation and can greatly help people with hypertension, edema, arthritis, diabetes and fibromyalgia. One of my weekly clients has fibromyalgia and tells me how the tingling and numbness she had in her feet and toes is no longer there.

The American Institute of Alternative Medicine goes on to tell us how regular foot massages will help to keep our feet healthier, get better sleep and provide us with higher levels of calm and overall well-being. Foot massage can also alleviate symptoms of nausea and chronic heel pain, which is common for individuals with flat feet or a low foot arch. Foot massage can even help reduce symptoms of PMS and menopause. During a foot massage, specific reflex points on the feet are targeted, which can help to release tension and alleviate pain throughout the body.

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