Vertigo – Jan 2020

Vertigo is the feeling of dizziness, like the world is spinning around while you’re still or even lying down. It may cause loss of balance or nausea. These symptoms can be so severe it causes vomiting.

There are a number of different causes of vertigo. Vertigo can be defined based upon whether the cause is peripheral or central. Central causes of vertigo arise in the brain or spinal cord and are usually from something quite serious like a concussion or traumatic brain injury, stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, tumors or vestibular migraines. Peripheral vertigo is due to a problem within the inner ear such as inflammation, infection, fluid buildup, or tumors.

Sometimes a reason or cure for the vertigo can’t be pinpointed. Massage therapy is used to alleviate the symptoms of vertigo and to reduce pain from headache and neck stiffness. It also helps to reduce stress and improve sleep. There are some medications that could be prescribed that may provide some relief, but it is important to note that these medications may help treat some of the symptoms of vertigo but will not cure it. It’s great to check out alternative therapies that won’t have negative side effects. Massage and acupressure can greatly help to relieve feelings of vertigo.

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