Heart Disease – Apr 2019

Heart disease is a very common problem nowadays and is affecting younger people more and more. In an article on the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine website, Alex A. Kecskes writes the following: Regardless of age, massage therapy performed by a skilled and qualified therapist can reduce stress, cause relaxation and enhance feelings of well Read More …

Aging – Mar 2019

“Don’t regret growing older. It’s a privilege denied to many.” But as we grow older we find it can bring many health challenges. I do see more and more people being more aware and health conscious and doing things to try to stay healthy. There are the obvious things we hear about all the time; Read More …

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome – Feb 2019

Carpal tunnel syndrome is possibly the most common nerve disorder experienced today and affects women three times more than men. Common characteristics of carpal tunnel syndrome include numbness, tingling, pain or a dull ache in the fingers, hand or wrist which is caused by a compression of the median nerve. The median nerve and several Read More …

New Year Wellness Coaching – Jan 2019

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow.   ~ Albert Einstien What wonderful words! We wish everyone a wonderfully happy and healthy New Year! Enjoy this time of reflection and anticipation of the wonderful things to come! Most of my articles discuss the numerous health benefits of receiving regular chair massages but as a Read More …